The rape hentai Furifure is based on the adult manga by Noesis, Ori and Kizoku Coffee, the anime a story is about a sexy high schoolgirl Kurahashi who had a big fight with her father. She ran away from the home. She called several friends but nobody could help her. It was raining and cold on the street. She was lonely and needs somebody whim whom she could talk about that situation. One her friend told her about an Internet message board Furifure where you can ask unknown people to meet. Kurahashi thought she would meet somebody just for talk, to tell somebody how her farther was unfair. She sent a message, described herself and started to wait near the fountain. Suddenly she saw her school teacher. It was a shame because she didn’t know it was a man with whom she chatted online or he was here by occasion. Looks like he also didn’t expect to see his student in town late evening. He invited Kurahashi in his home to take a cup of hot tea. The teacher was there by mistake or he is a person who specially looking for young girls in troubles?